Production and recovery of shafts, rolls or eheels with rubber coating
FORM-GUM realizes the process of production and recovery of steel shafts and ones with coverage of:
- rubber NR, NBR, SBR, EPDM
- silicone
- polyurethane

The range of our manufacturing abilities enables forrealization of the following services
- Coverage of steel shafts with fresh rubber coating
- Production of metal cores from scratch according to individual customer’s order
- Grinding and polishing of rubber surface
- Grooving of rubber surface
Additional services:
- dynamic balancing of shafts
- recovery of spindles
- production of transport crates for shafts
We realize the production of cores of the following maximum dimesions:
- 3.500 mm length
- 500 mm diameter
We recover shafts used in multiple industry fields:
- transport
- printing – flexiprint and offset
- wood processing
- furniture production
- packaging production
- textile production
- paper production
- food production