About us
In 1985 the FORM-GUM was established as a small manufacturing company employing just a small staff of people. Initially, the business activity focused on production of form rubber elements. Due to aspiring attitude of the owners and professional workers, the company developed the manufacturing surface of a company as well as the machinery park.
Taking the raising interest of customer requirements into the consideration, the next step of company development was flotation of the next division dealing with coverage of gears, rollers and wheels with thermoplastic materials, namely, rubber blends and silicone.
In 1990 the scope of activity was extended to production of items by application of moulding technology.
Continuous efforts of development of the products and service offered by FORM-GUM caused that we are recently able to concentrate on the quality of products strictly linked with flexible time of order execution adjusted to the customer.
In the process of product implementation FORM-GUM cooperate both with material suppliers and scientific institutions.

We are worth cooperating with because:
we ensure comprehensive service beginning from designing the tool, straight to production launching.
we guarantee the highest quality of products, according to introduced ISO 9001:2009 quality system
we offer products made of materials from highly recommended national and European suppliers
we enable the realization of unit manufacturing as well as serial ones